Admin can also assign package to every Employer or job seeker by editing their profiles.
THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING JOBS PORTAL! Here are some basics on installing and configuring JOBS PORTAL,
BEFORE WE GO The code and the sample data is provided "as is". Customizing code and other design related issues can be done as freelance work on a $10-40 hourly rate only with Paypal and/or Westren Union, if JOBS Portal available.
If you are new to Progamming, please understand I cannot fix your site for free. We would love to help everyone but there is no time. I suggest reading documentation available online regarding using PHP, server requirements, etc.
Please note that this is Laravel 10 application so exprience with this framework and server configuration is required with php 8.1+ version.
The Quickstart Package consists on a complete Laravel + Database File + Sample Content, excellent for beginner users to explore back-end settings and sample content. Follow this quick guide:
Setting Up on Localhost: create a new folder in the htdocs folder for Xampp (www folder for Wamp). Example: jobsportal
Unpack all files and folders of the Package file and copy jobsportal files into this newly created folder (htdocs folder for Xampp / www folder for Wamp) or upload them into your domain folder on your live site.
Database: First create new database and import SQL file located in db folder, after that Open ENV file located on main root of your folder and change folowing values.
That's it. Now access your site for localhost type localhost/yourfoldername and for live server type
To access admin side access your url and add "/admin" e.g. Site Settings in admin and click on Email tab here you will see the emails settings.
SMTP Settings:
Mail Host: your serrver host
Mail Port: for ssl 465 and for tls 587 or what is in your mail server settings
Mail Encryption: ssl or tls
Mail Username: your email username
Mail Password: mail password
Open .env file and scroll down, here you will add pay u money api keys
Cron Job: Please create cron job in CPanel for "Once Per Minute(*****)".
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/Home-Directory/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
If default PHP version is less than PHP 7.1 then select PHP version 7.1 or greater from Cpanel's "PHP Selector", and mention the selected PHP version in cron job. i.e: php71(PHP 7.1)
/usr/local/bin/php71 -q /home/Home-Directory/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
To manage site Main Modules See Title "Modules". Here you can manage all Main Modules such as:
Here you can manage:Jobs
User Profiles
Home Page Video
Translation is main part of site now a days. In this Modules you can add unlimited languages and its very simple. Just click on add new language link under landuages menu and enter required information. thants it.
Note: this is just startup of adding new languages you to follow all below steps.
To Edit Static translation wordings follow these steps:
, es.json
and ur.json
To Earn From Users here you can add multiple packages for Employer's and Job Seekers as well its all depends on you.
Here you can manage
List Packages
Add New Package
If you want to add free package just add price 0 and it will show as a free package.
Admin can also assign package to every Employer or job seeker by editing their profiles.
To manage job attributes see Attributes Section. In each section you have to add attribute for all langueas.
Here you can manage
Language Levels
Career Levels
Functional Areas
Job Experiences
Job Skills
Job Types
Job Shifts
Degree Levels
Degree Types
Major Subjects
Result Types
Marital Statuses
Ownership Types
Salary Periods
These 3 steps can be done for every attribute
<div class="section howitwrap">
<div class="container">
<!-- title start -->
<div class="titleTop">
<div class="subtitle">{{__('Here You Can See')}}</div>
<h3>{{__('How It')}} <span>{{__('Works')}}</span></h3>
<!-- title end -->
<ul class="howlist row">
<!--step 1-->
<li class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="iconcircle"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
<h4>{{__('Create An Account')}}</h4>
<p>{{__('Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur')}}.</p>
<!--step 1 end-->
<!--step 2-->
<li class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="iconcircle"><i class="fa fa-black-tie" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
<h4>{{__('Search Desired Job')}}</h4>
<p>{{__('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidid ut labore et dolore magna aliqua')}}.</p>
<!--step 2 end-->
<!--step 3-->
<<li class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="iconcircle"><i class="fa fa-file-text" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
<h4>{{__('Send Your Resume')}}</h4>
<p>{{__('Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum')}}.</p>
<!--step 3 end-->
To manage job attributes see Attributes Section. In each section you have to add attribute for all langueas.
This system has been developed successfully incorporate all the requirements. Appropriate care has taken during database design maintain database integrity and to avoid redundancy of data. This site was developed in such a way that any further modifications needed can be easily done. User feels freely while using this site. In this all technical complexities are hidden. This site is a more user friendly. The quality fusers like correctness, efficiency, usability, maintainability, portability, accuracy, errors, tolerance, expandability and communicatively all are successfully done.
There is always a room for improvement in any software package, however good and efficient it may be. The important thing is that the website should be flexible enough for further modifications. Considering this important factor, the web site is designed in such a way that the provisions are given for further enhancements. At present this website provides all the information using static pages and reservation forms. In future we can enhance our project by providing options like. Include many sites information.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing Jobs Portal. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this script. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the script on Codecanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.
7 Feb 2024
1. Fix Project Thanks Modal close issue 2. Job alert issue 3. Company logo issue fixed 4. CV button show on profile
Files needs to update:Please Update main.css, script.js, views(user/appicant_profile) views(company/unlock_users) views(jobs/list) app/Traits files app/Company.php
1st January 2024
1. Update Laravel version to 10 2. Update PHP version to 8.1+ 3. Update Bootstrap 4. New Design 5. Add image for blog_categories 6. Categories page 7. Add French and Hindi Language 8. Add Kanban Board for Applied Candidates 9. Add Account Verify page to resend link for activation account 10. Auto Activate Account After email verification 11. Add Company detail page on admin side 12. Add Seeker Profile page on admin side 13. Add Job Detail page on admin side 14. Add List of applied candidates against every job 15. Bulk selection of jobs and delete option 16. Fixed emails issue
Files needs to update:* Please Update all files as laravel version is updated.
Database Tables Updated:functional_areas job_apply
12 December 2022
1. Fix CV packages issue 2. Add Print Resume into jobseeker profile 3. Fixed home page search layout issue on mobile
Files needs to update:Please Update all css, js, views, controller and traits files as the UI is update and alot of fies are changed.
6th October 2022
1. Update UI Design 2. Update Font Awesome 4. Highlight featured jobs on listing page 5. Fix Stripe Issue 6. Add option for cities to upload image
Files needs to update:Please Update all css, js, views, controller and traits files as the UI is update and alot of fies are changed.
14th August 2021
1. Update Laravel Version to 8.54 2. Fixed job alert issue 3. Add captcha to register forms both 4. Add seo for jobs listing page 5. Add reject button for applied users on employer side and send email to user on rejection 6. Add Hire This Candidate button in shortlisting on employer side 7. Add Google Analytics textarea in settings 8. Add jobg8 API
Files needs to update:Please Update all files as the laravel version is update and alot of fies are changed. not all view files are changed
25th Feb 2021
CV Search Packages Module Added (Companies will buy package to search jobseekers from database) Account Email Verify Issue fixed Jobseeker Profile page design updated Jobseeker profile Image option added Jobseeker Video Profile link option added Update search design
Files needs to update:Please Update View, trait, controllers and css files along with database.
28th Oct 2020
Pay U Money Payment Gateway added User Dasboard issue fixed User Edit Profile issue fixed Blog category issue fixed
Files needs to update:Please Update all Files as we install the package
25th Aug 2020
Laravel Version Updated From 5.8 to 7.24 php version 7.2 Fixed Chart error Fixed user Navigation active link Job List Page Updated
Files needs to update:Please Update all Files expect the views folder
19 Nov 2019
Bootstrap 4 Updated Blog added Jobs counter issue fixed User and employer Messages system added Job Alerts added User dashboard updated Matching jobs on user dashboard Employer dashboard updated Companies search added On Job list page add top search In jobs list ad pleasement added New Design updated Better Homepage design
Files needs to update:Please Update all Files as almost 60% files are updated. Databse tables added: 1. blogs 2. blog_categories 3. company_messages 4. user_messages
13 Feb 2019
All Companies List View Social Media Login Active
Files needs to update:resources/views/company/listing.blade.php resources/views/includes/header.blade.php app/Http/Controllers/Company/CompaniesController.php routes/front_routes/company.php public/css/main.css
29 Jan 2019
Empoyer Reset password change issue fixed. Free package Added. Favicon Upload added in admin site settings. Tinymce Unicode issue fixed Tinymce Styling issue fixed
Files needs to update:resources/views/company_auth resources/views/includes/company_packages_new.blade.php resources/views/includes/user_packages_new.blade.php resources/views/includes/header.blade.php resources/views/auth/login.blade.php app/Http/Controllers/OrderController.php app/Http/Controllers/Company/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php app/Http/Controllers/Company/Auth/ResetPasswordController.php routes/front_routes/order.php resources/views/admin/site_setting/forms/form.blade.php resources/views/admin/shared/tinyMCE.blade.php resources/views/admin/shared/cms_form_tinyMCE.blade.php resources/views/admin/shared/tinyMCEFront.blade.php public/css/main.css public/js/script.js
2 Jan 2019
Add Revolution Slider
Show Hide Option in admin for slider
Add Subscribe for newsletter (Mailchimp)
Add Facility to add Mailchimp account from admin
Add Facility for Employer to post jobs as free
Show Hide Option in admin for Employer Packages
Improve Home page Layout
Upload CV issue Fixed
Add Restrictions for Sub Admin users
Fixed Set Default Language Issue
Home page video Added
Add Image in job description issue fixed
Files Needs to update:
Update all Views folder if you face any issue.
Update these DB tables: